A Healthier Twist on “Poor Man’s” Shepherd’s Pie

Servings: 8
Calories: 270
Protein: 30.2g
Carbs: 12g
Fat: 8g
(All Estimates based off your serving size- about 382g)

1 Medium Head Of Cauliflower
1 32oz bag of frozen mixed vegetables
2 lb lean ground turkey burger
Family Size Can of Tomato Soup (I used the Organic Roasted Red Pepper Tomato soup from Pacific Natural Foods this last time- so good!
.5 Cup Cream Cheese
2 TBSP Butter
S & P to taste

For the Mashed Cauliflower:
Cook the cauliflower for 12-15 minutes or until very tender. Drain and discard all of the water (the drier the cauliflower is, the better). Process in food processor until mashed potato like consistency. Add the cream cheese, butter, salt and pepper about midway through.

Brown burger and cook vegetables
Combine Tomato Soup, burger, and vegetables

In a glass baking dish; layer the veggie, burger, soup mixture in glass baking dish, top with mashed cauliflower.

Cover with foil and bake at 350 F for 45 minutes. Remove foil and broil for a few minutes to brown topping if you would like.

A delicious take on this traditional dish with a fraction of the carbs and calories. Dare I say, the mashed cauliflower might just make it taste even better than “the original”?


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Amber Zuver

Author Bio

Amber seeks to empower women and young girls in strength and to inspire them to not be afraid to step into the gym. Amber finds great joy in helping clients move, perform, look, and feel better! She believes that your training at the gym should transfer over into making your everyday life better as a whole, both physically and mentally.