Are You Comparing Yourself To Others

Comparison is the thief of joy said Theodore Roosevelt. When you compare yourself to others, you’ll never be satisfied.  When you’re not satisfied, you’re more likely to quit.

With everyone on social media, it’s easy to look at other people and their accomplishments and compare yourself to them.  What’s crazy is that lots of times these people are projecting an image of themselves that isn’t even true.

Other examples of this is comparing your fitness level to other people in the gym.  If you’re somebody who is just starting out, comparing your fitness level to someone whose been exercising for 5+ years isn’t a good thing.

To be honest, when I’m feeling less than optimal, I’m usually comparing myself to two other people (can’t mention who). I find myself not being happy with the progress that I made this far. Don’t do this to yourself.

Worry about yourself and your goals.

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Michael Allen

Author Bio

Michael has been working with clients in the gym and countless adults in a physical therapy setting since 2013. He spent 3 semesters working at Towson University with student-athletes from nearly every sport at the school. He served as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for Kennard-Dale High School during the 2019-2020 school year. His goal is to always get better and give you the safest and most effective use of your time at First Capital Gym.