Do The Work….There’s No Magic Pill

Before my time at First Capital Gym, I spent a few years working on the side at a GNC. During this time I was able to impact many customers and inform them on which supplements were worth their time and money and which items were not. Let me be very clear, there are plenty of supplements out there from decent companies that will help support your health and fitness goals. There are also plenty of supplements that are a complete sham. One of the biggest offenders in this category brought a lot of people into our store: Fat Burners.

I felt morally responsible to inform as many customers as I could that taking a fat burner would not do anything close to what they thought. Most people expect to lose weight fast like the bottle says they will. This approach meant selling less as an employee but it helped me sleep at night. Ultimately, my job was to safely guide and direct people towards products that would help them achieve their goals. Fat burners were not the way and if anything it would put them at risk for adverse effects. These can include:

•Blood Pressure Fluctuations
•Potential Liver Damage

Many “fat burners” are filled with proprietary blends which means you don’t know how much of each ingredient you are actually getting. In addition to that, they are full of strong stimulants and different forms of caffeine. Some are even intended to raise your body temperature on top of being overly stimulated. To make things worse, some fat burners are to be taken in the morning and later in the day. Imagine sitting at work overheated with uncontrollable jitters.

I’ve had to Google search certain ingredients on these products just to find out what they were. Do you know what L-Alpha-Glycerophosphorylcholine is? I had no clue. We can all agree that it doesn't sound like something you should consume without hearing what it actually is. Overall, these products are not what they claim to be.

Have they helped people?

Sure, but those are the same people who changed their nutrition habits, water intake, sleep and were training regularly.

Was it the fat burner or was it the lifestyle change?

If the fat burner was a catalyst for the lifestyle change then I would agree it served some type of purpose. However, I won’t give it credit for the results an individual was able to achieve. Do the work. There is no magic pill. 

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Michael Allen

Author Bio

Michael has been working with clients in the gym and countless adults in a physical therapy setting since 2013. He spent 3 semesters working at Towson University with student-athletes from nearly every sport at the school. He served as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for Kennard-Dale High School during the 2019-2020 school year. His goal is to always get better and give you the safest and most effective use of your time at First Capital Gym.