If you add up a full-time job, bills, house to maintain, modified school schedules, honey do lists and getting to the gym, that’s a lot of things going on at once! We have to be at a hundred different places each week and it all plays a role and takes a toll on you and your stress levels.
One of the best reminders I ever heard in regards to training is that everything affects everything. Stress can and will affect your performance in the gym and your ability to recover!

So the question remains, can we influence this and manage it?
This week we are taking a look at options that may help support a positive mood, feelings of well-being, less stress and better sleep.
Rhodiola rosea - an herbal supplement that can help improve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue and burnout. It is also well tolerated and considered very safe!
Melatonin - a natural hormone that helps support sleep quality and duration, in turn, helping to reduce stress levels by providing adequate sleep! It is non-habit forming and is offered in many forms such as pills, lozenges and gummies. More on supplements for sleep support in next week’s post!
Ashwagandha - an herbal supplement that has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It also has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, a big plus when considering we do not want high levels for long periods of time! It is also well tolerated and safe!
L-Theanine - a natural component, and amino acid in tea leaves that has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. A bonus of L-theanine is that it can accomplish this without any sedative effects. Additionally, it is available in capsule form.
Magnesium - is the 4th most abundant mineral in the human body and is responsible for endless reactions in the body including those for energy, protein formation, muscle movement and nervous system regulation. Many adults do not get enough magnesium in their diets. Low levels of magnesium are associated with diet and poor mood. Magnesium can also help boost exercise performance and reduce inflammation!
Remember that taking the dog for a walk, taking time to enjoy your favorite hobby, deep breathing techniques, yoga or simply putting your phone down and spending time with your family and friends can all be ways to combat stress. No magic pill will be the perfect substitute for the power of taking time for yourself and ensuring you are managing your stress properly and regularly!
Getting Healthier & In Shape Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult Or Intimidating Our 6 Week Personal Training Experience has helped hundreds of people live healthier lives, get fitter, and more confident!
First Capital Gym is York County’s only fitness over 40 specialists. We are a results based gym located in East York, PA that offers Personal Training, Small Group Training, Nutrition, Customized Fitness Programming, and Sports Performance Training.

Michael Allen
Author Bio
Michael has been working with clients in the gym and countless adults in a physical therapy setting since 2013. He spent 3 semesters working at Towson University with student-athletes from nearly every sport at the school. He served as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for Kennard-Dale High School during the 2019-2020 school year. His goal is to always get better and give you the safest and most effective use of your time at First Capital Gym.