Zinc is the supplement focus this week and is vital to us in many ways. As a trace mineral, Zinc is necessary but is not needed in large quantities because a little goes a long way.
Zinc plays a role in
•Cell growth
•Building proteins
•Healthy immune system support
•Helps 100+ enzymes perform chemical reactions in our bodies!
Foods such as shellfish, beef, poultry, pork and many varieties of seeds, nuts and legumes are rich in Zinc.
Zinc, although very important, should be supplemented in moderation. We should be mindful of our supplementation. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Zinc is right around 11mg/day for men and 8mg/day for women. Toxicity issues with Zinc like nausea and headaches can occur when taken in very high doses. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level, which means the amount we can take each day that is unlikely to cause harmful side effects, is 40mg for both men and women. This DOES NOT mean that Zinc is unsafe! It means that too much Zinc can cause issues. Too much of a good thing right?
So, hopefully if you are tracking your calories, your app will give you values for how many vitamins and minerals you are consuming. Check what your daily intake for Zinc is on a normal basis and maybe add some supplementation if you are barely meeting your needs. Supplemental zinc is typically offered as tablets or lozenges and doses are always labeled in mg’s (milligrams) for easy tracking. Zinc is a crucial mineral to our overall health and can be easily added if we are falling short in our dietary intake!
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Michael Allen
Author Bio
Michael has been working with clients in the gym and countless adults in a physical therapy setting since 2013. He spent 3 semesters working at Towson University with student-athletes from nearly every sport at the school. He served as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for Kennard-Dale High School during the 2019-2020 school year. His goal is to always get better and give you the safest and most effective use of your time at First Capital Gym.