Growth Through Discomfort

I have been going to my church, Pleasureville United Method Church, since I was born.  Along with trying to be a better Christian and person, I think of ways of trying to help others when I learn something new.  Yesterday was one of those days.

Every Sunday, we are handed a bulletin with a guide that we can use during the service.  As Pastor Ross preaches, we can take notes.  On one of his slides, he had this saying “Growth requires endurance through discomfort; then you will discover new comfort in a changed way.  I saw this and immediately thought of First Capital Gym .

Whether you’re a new member or someone who’s been with us for a while, this can be perfect for you.  Discomfort can come in many forms:

  • Not sleeping in when you’re scheduled to come to class
  • Putting away social media stuff away to get enough sleep
  • Eliminating or cutting back on alcohol
  • Drinking more water
  • Going harder in training sessions

The problem is, when it comes to your goals (which just aren’t physical), discomfort is definitely going to be part of the equation.  During our consultation at First Capital Gym, we map out for new members action steps (really habit building steps) that will guide them through the first 30 days.  For example, these action steps might be:

  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Working out 2x per week
  • Taking a walk or some type of cardiovascular work 2x per week
  • Cutting out iced teas and sodas

 Most of the time, these action steps (discomfort) are taken and now they’re just every day habits (new comfort in a changed way).

For change or growth to happen, discomfort is going to happen.  Sit back right now and think of things that could change your life if you would be willing to be uncomfortable.  I hope this helps.

Thanks for taking time to read this.  If you’re looking for guidance and direction with your fitness goals, or is someone who needs to get in shape but don’t know how, check out our 30 Day Jump Start Program right here>>