You Should Train Power Regardless Of Your Age

So I just recently watched Sicario 2 this weekend and I’m totally pumped up. I actually changed what I wanted to email about. So instead of talking about the benefits of foam rolling, we’re going to talk about power

You probably know that use lose power as we age. What you probably didn’t know is that you lose it a pretty substantial rate. Up to 8% every ten years!!!!

At Method Strength & Performance, we program power for everybody. That’s not a typo….EVERYBODY. The trick is finding the person where they are at currently, picking safe & effective exercises, and building from there.

How We Pick Our Power Exercises

>> What type of session is it? (Large group, Small Group, Sports Performance, Private)

>> Injury history

>> What is the goal for that particular person?

>> How much coaching is involved for that exercise?

>> What is this person’s job or sport? That means we’re not going to have Selina (chiropractor) doing hang cleans. Too much risk that I’m not willng to take

With that said, we use medicine ball work for just about everybody. One of the ways you can utilize medicine balls is with rotational throws. Great for rotational power, core work, and it’s fun

Here is an example of the progressions we use with one of our rotational passes. We use more but the video below gives you a good idea.

1/2 Kneeling

Split Stance (many variations of this)


In the upcoming weeks, we will show you a variety of medicine ball work you can incorporate

Did You Know That There Are 4 Ways We Can Help You Out?

1. Small Group Personal Training>> Individualized programming based on your goals. Group size is up to 4 people. Great for people wanting more guidance and faster results

2. Team Training>> done in a group setting early in the morning. More cardio focused with less attention on complexed lifts.

3. Personal Training>> excellent for the busy person wanting more attention & detail with their programming and needs accountability

4. Programming Options>> programming based on your individual goals. You can complete your sessions on your own time

Not sure which one is for you? Contact us.